One of three main activities of company UNIS a.s. is a development and a sales of our own licenced Manufacturing Execution System, MES PHARIS – the best selling MES/MOM system for discrete production in the Czech Republic with more than 35 large scope implementations running live in CZ and several countries. SMEs and even much bigger players like BOSCH, CONTINENTAL, Husquarna, Sellier&Bellot, THK Automotive, Poppe+Potthoff, Idé-Pro DK and others are our satisfied clients, please check our reference list. MES PHARIS IPP (International Partnership Program) stands for long-lasting partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation between the developer (UNIS a.s.), the local integrator and the End Users.
Our preferred way of expanding to the new markets is via our pilot implementation projects and then (or parallely) via finding the local Partner, which finally takes responsibility for MES PHARIS locally (sales, implementation, consulting etc.). The basic requirements for our new Partners are described at link (of course, not all have to filled) ... The reason why we prefer this way of cooperation is based on the fact, that the implementation of our MES is not a matter of simple reselling the licence, but it is a framework of skilled and trained activities.