My name is Filip Hudák and I represent one of leader of aluminium castings in the Czech Republic company Top Alulit s.r.o. Top Alulit is the foundry for the future. The technology we have more sophisticated than our competitors, because to known gravity die casting and low pressure die casting we can offer squeeze casting - similar to high pressure die casting, but with a better results. In the attachment I send you also our presentation about this technology. Top Alulit invests every year money in new equipment and is able to bring its customers very high added value in the form of 100% quality and better prices than the competition and grows very fast. Foundry thanks to new investments continually tries to improve. We also have an automatic gravity lines, equipped with robots. The company seems to be relatively young (founded 2005) but there work top professionals who have many years of experience in the foundry industry.
A company that needs aluminum castings.